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Nice 2 Meet Ya Special Mixer Event for Members and for a limited amount of Non-Members!


We are really excited about our special Valentine's Day event we are holding this February!


The event will take place on Valentine's Day -  Wednesday 14th February 2024 from 7pm - 9pm, at New Greens in St. Albans (full address below).


Even more exciting is that we will have a silent disco at the event! This will allow for people to have fun dancing to some great music, but will also leave some quiet space for those who would like to chat without having to shout over loud music.


There is an optional themed fancy dress for those who love a chance to dress up! The theme is anything to do with Valentine's Day - so anything that means friendship or love to you. Whether that is hearts or rainbows, a special piece of jewellery or a favourite colour. Or go all out and be a Cupid or a Queen of Hearts! Remember that fancy dress is optional and there are no rules, so go for whatever you feel most comfortable with, even if that's simply wearing your favourite outfit.


We will also have a photo booth where you can capture some photos of your fabulous outfits whatever they may be! 


There will be a buffet of snacks and sandwiches to nibble on and there will be a cash bar too so please bring cash or a bank card if you'd like to buy any drinks on the night.


This will be a special mixer event for members and for some non-members who would like to join one of our events as a taster for our group. 


Registered members do not pay for entrance to this event (only non-members). People will need some money to pay for any drinks they might like on the night.

Our membership and mixer events are open to adults (18+) with Learning Disabilities or who are Neurodiverse (including Autism, or Autism Spectrum Conditions, ADHD, Tourettes, Dyslexia.Dyspraxia, or Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)).


All tickets need to be pre booked, as it will not be possible to buy a ticket on the night on the door. Please make sure you have booked a ticket if you would like to come! Here is the link to book online:



And here is one last reminder of the details!


Date & Time

Wednesday 14th February 2024, 7pm - 9pm



New Greens Residents Association Hall, 2 High Oaks, St Albans AL3 6DL


If you have any questions about this event please text or call on 07538 791354 or email us at


We hope to see lots of you there!

N2MY Team xx

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